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Frequently Asked Questions


What is a sound bath? Do you get into water?

Contrary to what the name may suggest, there is no bath involved - at least, not in the literal sense of water. In sound baths, you lay on a mat snuggled under blankets and listen to a variety of specialist instruments being played while you are guided into a deep state of relaxation and consciousness. These sound-waves wash over and through the body, bathing you in healing vibrations. These get to work healing and rebalancing the body and mind at a cellular and energetic level while you drift off into a truly relaxed state. Think of it almost like a massage, but without touch.


What does a sound bath entail?

After arriving at the venue, you'll be invited to find a comfortable position on your yoga mat and start to relax in the soothing environment I will have created with soft music and lighting (much like you would with a massage, but this time you're fully clothed and nice and cosy under a blanket!) You will then be invited to close your eyes and I will take you through some gentle breathing exercises to help calm your nervous system and heart rate (these are great to practice at home too, if you're feeling anxious). This is followed by a guided meditation to truly help you relax and be more receptive to the healing potential of the sound bath. Then, for the majority of the hour-long session, you will be taken on a sound journey with various premium-quality instruments. These include quartz Alchemy Crystal Bowls; Full Moon Tibetan singing bowls; gongs; drums; chimes and other percussion instruments. I will carefully play different combinations of sounds and notes (with lots of loving intention added in) to take you through different stages of consciousness for maximum healing potential. As the sound bath comes to a close, I will play some gentle music and softly guide you back to full consciousness. There will be time at at the end to come around properly.


Who can attend a sound bath?

Sound therapy is suitable and beneficial for all ages and genders, with Flourish's public sound baths aimed at those aged 16 and above. Privately booked or special event sound baths are suitable for those ages 12 and above (if stipulated), and can be booked via schools/colleges, other organisations, or families. They're particularly helpful for those seeking ways to experience deep relaxation and relief for anxiety and stress, providing an hour of calm. Receiving regular sound healing can have a profound, positive impact on health, supporting recipients on their journey to reaching a natural state of balance. They are also shown to be beneficial for a wide variety of physical illnesses, such as for those going through chemotherapy, for people with dementia and anyone with nervous system conditions such as fibromyalgia. There are some contra-indications - see further information about who is unable to attend a sound bath in the FAQs.


Who is a sound bath not suitable for? 

As the vibrations of the sound can penetrate both the cells and the psyche quite deeply, sound baths are not suitable for anyone with electrical impants (such as a cochlear ear implant or pace maker); someone who suffers from epilepsy; ladies in their first trimester of pregnancy; someone with recent bone breakages/fractures; someone with a metal implant or plate; or anyone with deep emotional trauma or more severe mental health conditions. It's always worth checking with me first. Emotional trauma can be helped with sound therapy, but this really needs to be done on a 1-1 basis over a number of weeks in a very careful, nurturing manner. Children under the age of 12 can benefit from sound baths, but as they are more sensitive to sound, it's more appropriate in a private group setting or one specifically for that age-group, so that I can adapt a gentler and shorter sound journey and a child-oriented guided meditation, with the child/ren being placed further away from the instruments.


What do I need to bring to a group sound bath?

Bring along a yoga mat to lie on, a pillow for your head and and a bottle of water. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. If you struggle with back pain, perhaps bring an extra pillow to go underneath your knees to take the strain off your lower back. The different frequencies can affect body temperature, so I'd recommend bringing a soft blanket. An eye mask can be really beneficial to block out any light and the temptation to open your eyes as you flit in and out of different levels of consciousness. I have several of these, which you are welcome to borrow for your session. Finally - and importantly - come with an open mind! Try not to put any pressure on yourself to feel a certain way. Just allow yourself to have the sound wash over you, welcoming in any healing it has to offer.


How will it make me feel?

Typically, the majority of people leave a sound bath feeling incredibly relaxed and peaceful. Some people can feel tingling in their body or weightlessness at certain points, and for some it can bring some emotions to the surface to be released. I will observe you throughout the sound bath and will adapt the sounds according to how you're reacting. I am there to support you, whatever you experience. It's important to come with an open-mind and to have no expectations - our analytical or controlling minds can often get in the way of getting the most out of a treatment like this. Remember that everyone is different so will experience the same group sound bath differently. Likewise, you will always have a slightly different experience with each sound bath you attend. Some people fall into a deep sleep almost immediately; others experience clearer, heightened thoughts; others may even experience dream-like visions; while some simply enjoy an hour of deep rest. So don't worry if you don't 'feel anything' or if you can't switch the chatter off in your head - you can rest assured that healing will have taken place at a deep cellular level.


How will I feel afterwards and for how long?

Straight after a sound bath, many people feel quite sleepy and spaced out, so it's important not to get up too quickly or drive immediately - we will always have ample time at the end of a sound bath to come back to full consciousness. Consider it like an internal massage - many toxins will have been released within your body, so it's important to be well hydrated for the hours that follow in order flush the toxins out (headaches are a classic sign that you need more water). Avoid alcohol for the following 24 hours. A bath with magensium salts is also beneficial and a great way to rid the toxins in your body (and also help to prolongue the relaxation). Depending on your intentions or mindset going into the session, it can bring up some emotions for you to heal and release - if that's the case and you're struggling, I am here to help and support you. It's actually a positive sign that deep healing has taken place, so be gentle on yourself while that integrates. Many people report a longer, deeper sleep than normal that night. The relaxing and healing effects within your body will continue for up to a week.


Is there anything I need to do before attending a sound bath?

To get the most out of the sound bath and help the frequencies to travel easily around the body, don't eat within an hour prior to the session (and eat only light food earlier than that). It's also important to arrive well-hydrated, as this will be hugely beneficial. Finally, perhaps (although this is not essential) think about setting an intention - what would you like to get out of the session? It could be as simple as just to switch off annd fully relax; you could be feeling overwhelmed with a big decision and want clarity; you may want to overcome some self-doubt; or you may wish to send healing to a particular part of your body. Setting an intention has been shown to really help get the most out of healing sessions, but isn't essential.


Where are your sound baths?

Group sound baths are currently held across Cheshire, with 1-1 sessions held at our home in the heart of the county. I am also able to run sound baths in the comfort of your own home for an additional cost.


When are your next sound baths?

Dates and locations for group sound baths will be announced on a regular basis on this website, or send me your email address to be notified of new events. Private 1-1 (or 1-2) sound baths at my home in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire can also be arranged via the Contact tab.


How do I book?

Once you've decided to book onto a sound bath, you can get in touch via the Contact page and either message me on email, Instagram or the contact form.


Do you run sound baths for companies or schools?

Yes. I support companies with their staff enrichment and wellness days, where I will attend their chosen venue and run a full sound bath for staff. I am very passionate about helping High Schools, Sixth Form Colleges and Universities with the current unprecedented mental health crisis, and will work with your organisation to run a series of sound therapy sessions over a term to provide an additional mental health support option for students (and staff, as needed), to complement the setting's wellness programme.


Are you qualified and insured?

Yes, absolutely - on both counts. It is critical that anyone holding a healing space using sound therapy modalities like this are professionally trained and have public liability insurance. It is always adviseable to double-check that any providers of sound baths you attend are indeed qualified to do so. It can be a very intense healing modality that should be handled with utmost care. I have been providing sound baths since I became fully trained and qualified at the start of 2022, with all necessary insurance in place. I also trained as a Mental Health First Aider in November 2022.

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