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Unlocking the Healing Power of Forest Bathing: How Nature Can Improve Your Well-being

If you follow me on social media, particularly Instagram where I am most active, my love for nature will be crystal clear. The natural world offers healing on so many levels, whether its providing nutrition and medicine, fresh air and grounding, or simply a space to switch off and nurture the soul. Here, I'll take a high-level look at forest bathing and how it really does heal:


  • In Japan, forest bathing is a practice that has been properly honoured since the term shinrin-yoku was coined in the 1980s. Decades of research at the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo shows it can boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, help with depression, reduce stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, and switch the nervous system from fight-or-flight to our parasympathetic state of rest-and-digest. A study has even shown that it can enhance the expression of anti-cancer proteins!


  • As a species with our rubber-soled shoes and life indoors, we spend the majority of our lives without actually being in contact with the earth (unlike every other creature on the planet). So, as electrical beings, the pent up charges stay within the body instead of being transferred to the earth, leading to inflammation, emotional agitation and physical dis-ease. In simple terms, hugging a tree really does help much like an earthing rod! Regularly "grounding" or earthing outside - whether by hugging a tree or getting bare feet on the ground - is potentially transformational for our health.  

  • The sense of sound is also important to consider when we look at the benefits of forest bathing - the gentle sound of wind rustling through leaves, birds singing in the branches overhead. In fact, did you know that listening to birdsong for as little as six minutes has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve mental health symptoms?


  • For anyone interested in colour-therapy, or chromotherapy, being surrounded by green is known to induce feelings of balance, harmony, peace and healing. Being in woodland when the trees are in leaf literally bathes us in the full array of green light, soothing our energy field, balancing the heart chakra and calming our nervous system.


  • Then we have the air within a woodland - fresh air rich in minerals and natural goodness, providing not only nourishing oxygen and far fewer pollutants, but also feeding our microbiome and helping our immune system to strengthen. Trees release chemicals called phytoncides, which can reduce our stress hormones and increase our white blood cells (known as "natural killer cells", needed for healing)


Plus of course, we are away from all of the distractions and demands of modern life, returning to our most natural state.


Something to try to support your wellness...


If you can get to a woodland, to gain the most benefit, try to choose one with many trees in leaf or evergreens and stay for 2-6 hours - after a little gentle walking, find somewhere to sit, like a curved lower branch or tree stump. Focus on all of your senses, consciously slow the breath if it feels comfortable (inhaling through the nose), and even get bare-foot if you can. Notice the colours, the smells, the birdsong, the textures, watch the movement of the branches above, the dancing dappled shade on the forest floor. Remind yourself that you are safe, and give yourself permission to simply rest and relax. Take some nourishing food for a picnic, a warming drink, a blanket, and allow nature you bathe you in its beautiful healing properties.


And if you can't get to a woodland, you can still get some of the benefits from being in your garden or a local park, just not at quite the same level - but still worthwhile, nevertheless. Even if you stand outside with bare feet, listening to birdsong for a few minutes and try to be mindful of your thoughts - give it a try and see how you feel.

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