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My journey so far

Updated: Aug 21, 2022

I have always had a passion to help others, but it's only in recent years as I entered my 40s that I knew how. And that was as a result of overcoming my own health challenges. The drive to pass on that empowerment to others could no longer be ignored.

The old me

Completing the Inca Trail in Peru with the awesome sight/site of Macchu Piccu
Backpacking around the world

I had a 'typical' life - I had a few up and downs but had plenty of blessings. I did well at school, went to university and gained a 1st Class Honours degree, met my life partner, went backpacking around the world, then settled down in a corporate job in London.

I was fortunate enough to have my job take me across Europe and to the States, but it also meant that I was away from my young family on a regular basis.

My health was another story though. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease during that time and struggled on for years, taking a cocktail of strong medication and having major surgery. The outlook my consultant gave me was pretty depressing. I felt helpless and constantly exhausted.

After struggling to get and stay pregnant, we were fortunate to have two boys. When I was pregnant with our 2nd in 2012, I felt determined to take back control of my health, rather than it controlling me.

The turning point

Our 2nd son on the way

Towards the end of my pregnancy in 2013, I came across a book by Dr Amy Myers, a naturapathic doctor who specialises in treating autoimmune diseases naturally. That was a life-changing moment: one that set a totally different course for my life. I wanted to be as healthy I could be for my children, for as long as possible.

Over the decade that followed, I have become more and more fascinated with natural, holistic health, seeing first hand how effective it is. It's taken a LOT of work and determination - it's about changing habits of a lifetime. About loving and investing in yourself (and sometimes that means sacrifices).

The Crohn's Disease has stayed at bay. I've had no major flare ups. I've not needed any drugs to manage symptoms. I became pregnant on the first attempt with our third child: I have never felt better.

I'm a sponge!

I devour information, books and courses about how to support and strengthen our immune system. Whether it's learning about our gut microbiome; limiting toxins in our daily lives; understanding what food is good for which ailments; herbal medicines; natural healing techniques; foraging and making preserves; or growing our own fruit and vegetables - I'm there!

And of course, seeing the difference that changes can make has made me passionate about pointing others on the same journey of discovery too. I'm not here to solve anyone's problems, but to support them to find their inner healer too.

The rug was pulled

While I became ever-more confident in my physical health, in 2020 I had a serious mental health crisis, developing depression and anxiety for several month - and I had no idea what to do. A major anxiety attack at the start of 2021 was the wake-up call I needed. I was determined to research and do all I could to pull myself out of that dark hole. Our children were my motivation - and my saviours - again.

Mental health matters

I think I must've tried everything going and they all helped one way or another. I used several techniques every day. This is key - you've got to be willing to try new things and then to stick to the ones that resonate with you.

Tapping; journaling; guided meditation; affirmations; breath-work; researching; self-help books; daily walks; grounding; gardening; artwork; reiki; letting go; exploring spirituality; music; Qi Gong; sound baths; singing; shadow-work; visualisation; crystals; exercise; mindfulness; finding a support network; self-care routines; talking to someone you trust; yoga; cold water therapy.

There's so much out there, it's just finding what works for you and not putting pressure on yourself if things don't improve immediately.

Keeping. On. Going.

Slowly but surely, with the support of my incredible husband, I turned the corner.

The most profound technique I found that worked for me was sound therapy - I sought out free mini sound baths on Instagram and listened to one most nights. I wasn't sure how they worked, but they quietened my mind, soothed my heart and took me somewhere else. They also introduced me to breath-work and guided meditation. Energy work (reiki) was also incredible - and the science behind it fascinating!

Those, in combination with several of the other techniques listed above, changed things for me. I gradually got better. I'm now armed with an arsenal of effective natural tools to keep on top of things.


Bursting with happiness during my training!

And so that is where the motivation came to retrain as a sound and energy therapist in late 2021, subsequently qualifying in Angelic and Usui Reiki, and as a sound healing practitioner.

I have finally found a way that I can flourish and help other to, too.

I'd been trading as a marketing contractor under the brand 'Flourish', so it made perfect sense to keep that name for what I know is my true calling. Perhaps I'd had a subconscious epiphany years earlier...

Alchemising sound and energy healing for clients (infused with lots of loving, calming energy) during soundbaths really is an absolute honour and joy. While life hasn't always been easy, it is the challenges that brought me to where I am today. And for that, I'll always be grateful.

Where next?

I'm hungry to keep developing my healing and supportive techniques to help my clients. I'm constantly discovering new, incredible science about sound, energy, natural medicine and our immune systems, and will never tire of learning more. I'm currently on a herbalism course, I'm learning about Cacao, deepening my breath-work knowledge, and I intend to train in nutritional therapy too. And that's just the start!

Much love,

Kathryn x

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